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Univ. Becoming More Fully Human

Virginia Satir:
Her Life & Circle of Influence

front cover, 'To Life' edited by Melvin M. Suhd, Laura Dodson, and Maria Gomori

524 pages, 6 x 9 in.
ISBN 978-0831400873
$29.95 paperback

Virginia Satir is first presented in a biography by Barbara Jo Brothers that traces the origins of her pioneering ideas about family therapy. For example, Virgina had a recurrent dream which she resolved through her own Family Reconstruction process.

Our Challenge now is to develop human beings with values: moral, ethical, and humanistic. For me, this means learning how to be congruent, and that leads to becoming more fully human. When we achieve that, we will be able to enjoy this most wonderful planet and the life that inhabits it. - Virginia Satir

Her biography precedes accounts of nine of her colleagues:

Jean McLendon, MSW, Satir consultant and trainer
John Vasconcellos, renowned California legislator
Bud Baldwin, M.D., Professor of Medicine
Laura Dodson, Ph.D., Jungian analyst
Bob Spitzer, M.D., author of View From Space
Lori Gordon, Ph.D., originator of PAIRS
Barbara Jo Brothers, MSW, therapist and author
Margaret Suarez, RN, director of Avanta
Maria Gomori, MSW, Satir teacher and author

Virginia Satir's circle of influence continues to grow. The forthcoming Volume Two will describe the emerging Satir movements overseas, including Czechoslovakia, China, Georgia, Germany, Hong Kong, and Venezuela.

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