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Univ. Becoming More Fully Human


front coverExperiential Therapy for Co-Dependency

Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse, Joseph Cruse, and
George Bougher

224 pages, 8x10 in.,
ISBN 978-0831400750
$19.95 paperback

A therapeutic model, specific methods for individuals and groups, and more than 100 exercises cover all phases of treating this quiet, self-destructive epidemic of over-identifying with the needs of others. "This book has become required reading not only for our trainees but for veteran staff therapists as well. Never before has there been as concise a collection of state of the art thought combined with experiential techniques to assist the therapist in working with clients and patients. Essential reading for all helping professionals."
- William O'Donnell, CEO, Sierra Tucson treatment program, Tuscon, AZ

"These authors are pioneers in a rapidly changing environment, leading the way to health and recovery. Their personal and caring approach to treatment and their ability to share their experiences are qualities that we will all benefit from."
- Rich Esterly, CEO, Caron Foundation, Wernersville, PA

"I have found that experiential therapy is the most effective and efficient form of intervention when working with adult children, co-dependents, and survivors of trauma." - Donna Dupuis, M.S.W., R.S.W., Psychotherapist, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

"This book is a long-awaited gift for professionals who use experiential therapy in their treatment of co-dependency. I have successfully used many of these techniques in my own private practice and have found them to be very powerful and healing."
- Karin A. Krueger, M.S. CAC, Family Therapist, Salt Lake City, UT


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